We offer a suite of postgraduate courses which lay a solid foundation for research in nonlinear and computational mechanics. Students from different undergraduate backgrounds, including engineering, physics and mathematics, have benefitted from this course offering.

Nonlinear Material Behaviour (MEC5067Z)
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of nonlinear material behaviour. Topics in nonlinear mechanics; nonlinear elasticity; behaviour of elastic-plastic solids and non-Newtonian fluids are included.
An Introduction To Finite Elements (MEC5063Z)
The finite element method (FEM) is a mathematical and numerical technique for finding solutions to boundary value problems for differential equations. FEM techniques are central to multiple engineering disciplines (e.g. Aeronautics, Biomechanics, Civil and many others) as they are particularly useful for solving differential equations over complex geometries. Topics covered in the course include: weak formulations of boundary value problems; the finite element method for one and two-dimensional problems; coding the finite element method; applications problems.
Continuum Mechanics (MEC5066Z)
This course aims to present a general introduction to continuum mechanics. Topics include tensors; kinematics of continuous media; balance of mass, linear and angular momentum, and energy; stress; constitutive theory; linear elasticity; ideal fluids and Newtonian fluids.
Finite Element Analysis (MEC5064Z)
This course is an extension of MEC5063Z into advanced topics. The course aims to provide students with an advanced understanding of finite element techniques and enable them to perform finite element analysis on a wider range of problems. Topics covered in the course include: incompressibility and mixed-methods; time-dependent problems; non-linear problems.